In this blog, I show you seven practical ways to build resilience when going through tough times because we all face challenges in life and need a little help now and then.

When faced with life's hardships or adversity, finding ways to stay resilient can be challenging. Because the pain and hopelessness we often feel during a tough time can be overwhelming, causing us to believe there is no way out.
Also, sometimes, despite the positive things people say to encourage or convince us to think beyond our situation, we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
However, over the years, I have discovered that you can turn adversity into a real opportunity with creativity and a positive mindset.
The 7 ways that help to build resilience when going through tough times and turn a bad situation into something positive and rewarding:
Before a person can do anything about a situation, acceptance is crucial. Unless you acknowledge what has happened or what is happening, it means you're still in denial. Being in denial prevents us from recognising the gravity of our situation and taking the necessary steps to do something about it.
Acceptance is also about accepting things we cannot change. We cannot always control what life throws at our doorstep. Neither can we alter some outcomes. When that happens, we should do whatever we can to find acceptance within ourselves. It's one of the surest ways to build resilience.
Not only will we build resilience, but we can also trigger the courage and motivation we need to find ways to flip the script, turning that horrible situation to our advantage.
In other words, when we master the art of turning our lemons into lemonade, we succeed. For example, we can turn our challenging experience into a book that helps, inspires, and motivates others when faced with the same situation—or raise money for a cancer charity to educate others about the disease following a diagnosis. These are examples of turning tables and playing life's cards.
You couldn't be more wrong if you think resilience means not feeling vulnerable or helpless or experiencing pain, sorrow or crying. Instead of burying our heads in the sand, pretending something is not happening, we should embrace our emotions and give ourselves time to be sad. It is OK to cry and feel miserable because sorrow is how we all process and seal our wounds.
Grieving when you're going through tough times is healthy and crucial for healing, releasing intense emotions that come with loss, such as sadness, anger and guilt. It also helps us eventually come to terms with our reality. By expressing these emotions, we can begin to heal and move towards acceptance.
What sets a resilient person apart is the ability to grieve properly and in a healthy way and not wallow in that misery because wallowing suggests that one is perpetually sad and shuns everything else.
Embrace Change
Embracing the change happening in your life always follows acceptance. Because you need to accept the situation for what it is to embrace it.
Change is often scary due to fear of the unknown, but that change can also be an opportunity for growth. It's an opportunity to move out of our comfort zone and move towards new experiences. Therefore, embracing change requires us to be open to those new experiences and not be afraid to explore and expand our horizons.
Practice Gratitude
This one is challenging. How can one walk in gratitude when going through trying times? But gratitude is a must. I have found that gratitude enables me to open my heart and mind to new opportunities when the one I'm in is not working.
When I take time each day to reflect on the things I'm grateful for and give praise. Doing helps amplify the good, shifting my perspective and focus from negative to positive and increasing our overall well-being. Gratitude also opens us to abundance.
Learn From Failure
Instead of letting failure get you down, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Analyse what went wrong, and use that knowledge to do things differently and improve next time.
I regard failure as nothing but feedback. Through failure, we learn a lot about ourselves, what's working and what's not, and take measures to correct our situation. That is how we truly grow and succeed.
While we should not be delusional about a problematic situation, we can maintain a positive outlook. Problems come and go, and no situation in life is permanent. Therefore, we should hold on to faith and hope while allowing ourselves room to redirect our minds and grow.
Cultivate a Support System
While going through tough times, having a strong support system goes a long way. This is the time when we need to reach out to friends and family or consider joining a support group or seeking professional help when needed.
While we embrace vulnerability and open up to others, we should not allow our horrible situation to affect them as well. Without seeking to lie or deceive our loved ones, we should avoid letting our misery infringe on their happiness and peace. Instead, we can protect them and allow them to continue their lives without guilt or obligation to our needs. That way, they can remain strong and useful to us.
Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is essential for building resilience. Remember to give yourself the attention you deserve by prioritising your physical and mental health, and take time to do things that bring you joy.
Allow yourself to prioritise rest, engage in your favourite hobbies or activities, stay connected with loved ones, nourish your body with healthy foods, and exercise. Taking care of oneself is not selfish but rather an act of self-love that will help you stay strong and resilient.
In conclusion, remember that building resilience does not happen overnight. It's a process that takes time and effort, but it is ultimately worth it. By implementing these strategies, you can turn adversity into opportunity and become stronger on the other side.